Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Project Internship @ united2learn

#united 2 #learn is searching for a (could be a group of 4) #Bangalore based#Computer #science #Engineering #students who are #passionate about website #design and #development as a part of their academic (#intern)#project.

Refer your friends/cousins, who you think are capable of doing this and help them shape their career.
For more details Message me on Facebook, I shall get back to you ASAP.

Monday, June 17, 2013

So You’ve Graduated from College

Hooray you did it! You invested time, energy, and thousands of dollars in caffeine and energy drinks and now you join the elite 6.7%* who have a college degree.  That’s pretty special. Congratulations!
Graduating from college means there are huge changes on the horizon and one of those may be a change in your employment. Consider the following:
Update your LinkedIn - Recruiters often parse potential candidates based on degree or level of education. Get yourself noticed by updating your education. While you’re there, be sure to join relevant alumni groups and organizations on LinkedIn. You’ll hear about jobs more quickly and have message boards where you can post your resume.
Register with your alumni organization – According to careerealism, over 80% of jobs don’t even make it to a job board.  Jobs are usually filled by referral, someone who knows someone who knows the perfect person. As we say at SlingShot,  “Your brand is as strong as the people you know.” That includes your personal brand. So get involved and get familiar with your alumni organization. (http://www.careerealism.com/job-search-word-mouth/)
If you’re already working, ask for more responsibility – Now that school is over, you probably have a lot more time on your hands. Position yourself for your next big shot by taking on another project or helping build a new team at your current company.  You have a shiny new degree and new skills. Take the opportunity to test them out in real life situations.
